Online ISSN : 2434-1576
Print ISSN : 1348-5539
日本の高等教育における地域と連携した学習(Community-Based Learning)の研究動向
中川 友理絵荻野 亮吾
ジャーナル フリー

2020 年 25 巻 p. 34-43


The higher education policy in Japan emphasizes the meaning of experiential learning outside university and requires universities to be a community base in cooperation with community organizations. This study aimed to clarify the achievements and issues of Community-Based Learning (CBL), conducted in universities of Japan. The unique CBL programs tend to be held in liberal arts courses or minor course systems about the region. Service learning courses, one of the CBL programs, has been mainly introduced in private universities. To assess the effects or impacts of CBL, there is a wide range of premise, subjects, and targets of assessment, in addition to using rubric. Future research must examine university-wide organizational structure promoting CBL, role of university contributing to the community, methods for positioning faculty staffs and developing professional skills of these staffs, and cross-reference framework for assessment methods.

© 2020 日本地域政策学会
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