The Format of Genre “Dunno in the Sunny City” of Nikolai Nosov (A Remake Creation of the Classical Utopia)




literature for children, perception, genre, chronotope, utopia, remake, Nikolai Nosov, Tomazzo Kampanella


It’s worked up the nature of utopia genre by comparative analysis of Nicolai Nosov’s text “Dunno in the Sun city” and Tommaso Campanella “Sun City”. The advantage of this research is in elaboration what actually becomes an utopia for a young recipient, the property of consciousness, the attribute of text, border between childhood and adulthood or an ideological barrier. Furthermore, it was found that the difference of children’s and adult’s literature depend at first on the labeling of the recipient. In the plot of “Dunno in the Sun city” a rational and super national coexist without clear polarization (unlike the famous genre – fantasy). In spite of availability separate charming objects, the deep idealism, the constant state of daydreaming, in the Nosov’s novel – tale are absent neo myth, the events don’t develop in the past , the author don’t underline the personal heroism of protagonist, because Dunno and his friends are typical children that got into unusual conditions for them. The Sun City of Nosov is perceived like similar intellectual center by the inhabitant of Flowery. The fact which attract attention is in present and future time in Nicolai’s writing which are full of optimistic fervor and the past is on the contrary, it’s marked by the negative experience. The motif is the transitive transformation in this sample of children’s literature, although not relevant associations in the minds of young readers. In the result of experience the social type of remake is separated, in which not only reformats the content – formal factors, but also displaces the receptive orientation of text – trans textual. The analysis of Nicolai Nosov’s text , in the aspect of time – space, clarify the availability of ideal society, the idea of syncretism of science and art, didacticism, contamination of real and fictional, designing of protagonists as a “team” that have a novel – tale “Dunno in the Sun City” in all respects do the remake of classical utopia. It is assumed that utopianism is immanent feature of consciousness of the young reader.

Author Biography

Alena Boychuk, Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University

The Department of World Literature and Theory of Literature Yuriy Fedkovych Chernivtsi National University 2 Kotsiubynskiy Street, 58012, Chernivtsi, Ukraine


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How to Cite

Boychuk, A. “The Format of Genre ‘Dunno in the Sunny City’ of Nikolai Nosov (A Remake Creation of the Classical Utopia)”. Pitannâ lìteraturoznavstva, no. 88, Dec. 2013, pp. 127-43, doi:10.31861/pytlit2013.88.127.



Genre Study