Synergistic Interaction of Arabinases of Different Types of Action in the Bioconversion of Sugar Beet Pulp and Apple Pomace

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The interaction of endoarabinase (endoA) with exo-type enzymes was studied during their joint hydrolysis of branched arabinane (BAra), sugar beet pulp (SBP) and apple pomace (AP). It was shown that mixtures of endoA with arabinofuranosidase (AF) or arabinoxylan-arabinofuranhydrolase (AXH) with endoA content of 20 and 40%, respectively, were the most effective in the hydrolysis of BAra. As a result of the optimization of the complex of arabinases, cellulases and pectinase, almost complete conversion of AP into monosaccharides (arabinose, glucose, fructose) was carried out. During the hydrolysis of SBP, the conversion rate of hemicellulose (arabinane) was more than 50%, cellulose – 75%.

About the authors

M. V. Semenova

Federal Research Center “Fundamentals of Biotechnology” of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 119071, Moscow

M. S. Kuryshkina

Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry

Russia, 119991, Moscow

A. P. Sinitsyn

Federal Research Center “Fundamentals of Biotechnology” of the Russian Academy of Sciences; Lomonosov Moscow State University, Department of Chemistry

Russia, 119071, Moscow; Russia, 119991, Moscow


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