The effect of micro-deformations created by illumination on the temperature dependence of the mobility of nonequilibrium non-thermalized charge carriers in media without a center of symmetry

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It is shown that the energy of nonequilibrium nonthermalized holes in ZnS crystals with a cubic unit cell does not depend on temperature. The nature of the temperature dependence of the nonequilibrium nonthermalized holes mobility in ZnS crystals depends on the average relaxation time upon scattering by ions and neutral impurity atoms, dislocations, and microstrains.

About the authors

R. M. Magomadov

Kadyrov Chechen State University

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 366020, , Grozny

R. R. Delmikhanov

Grozny State Petroleum Technical University

Russia, 364024, Grozny


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Copyright (c) 2023 Р.М. Магомадов, Р.Р. Дельмиханов

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