The Influence of the A Priori Uncertainty of the Shallow Sea Sound Channel Model on the Vertical Array Gain

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The purpose of this paper is to numerically demonstrate and comparatively analyze the critically strong and ambiguous impact of the a priori uncertainty of a shallow sea waveguide model in its main physical parameters on the output performance of model-based methods for spatial processing of multimode signals received by a vertical antenna array. The scenario is specified when a relatively weak signal of a remote underwater source is received against the background of intensive interference excited by a subsurface source (like a ship, for example) and ambient sea noise excited by wind waves. The considered array processing methods include matched-signal processing, optimal processing of the signal on the background of interference and noise, and suboptimal processing based on matched-mode array filtering of one of the signal-carrying modes with adaptive selection of its number. Quantitative estimates are obtained from above for the environment uncertainties, or model errors, with respect to the sound velocity in the water column and geoacoustic parameters of the underlying bottom, at which the array gain loss does not exceed a given level. It is shown that such estimates are very different both for different environmental parameters and for processing methods, with the determining role played by the conditions of useful signal reception, namely, the modal composition and intensity levels of the interference and sea noise at the array input. The problem statement and results are considered to be useful to detail the requirements for operational oceanography tools designed to support the effective operation of sonar antenna systems in real sea environments.

About the authors

A. I. Malekhanov

A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia; Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod, Nizhny Novgorod State University, 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Россия, 603950, Нижний Новгород, ул. Ульянова, 46; Россия, 603950, Нижний Новгород, ул. Ульянова, 46

A. V. Smirnov

A.V. Gaponov-Grekhov Institute of Applied Physics, Russian Academy of Sciences, 603950, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Author for correspondence.
Россия, 603950, Нижний Новгород, ул. Ульянова, 46


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