Russian view on the political landscape of Latin America

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The article analyses the collective monograph “Latin America: political landscape against the backdrop of turbulence”, published at the Institute of Latin America of the Russian Academy of Sciences, edited by Doctor of Political Sciences Z.V. Ivanovsky. The monograph attempts to answer the questions, what path of development the countries of Latin America will take and how they will build their relations with the outside world in the new geopolitical reality. The answers are of great importance for predicting the nature of future relations between the countries of Latin America and the European Union. The author gives an assessment of the alignment of political forces in the face of new challenges both in individual countries and in the region as a whole. Particular emphasis is placed on the results of the latest election campaigns that are shaping a new political landscape in Latin America. The author notes that there are chances for solving deep social problems in Latin America, overcoming interstate contradictions and intensifying integration processes.

About the authors

Anatoly Alekseevich Kanunnikov

Institute of Europe Russian Academy of Sciences

Moscow, Russia


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