Low-Temperature Three-Channel Gas Analyzers in Optical Monitoring of Fire Hazard Liquefied Natural Gas Outflows

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A network of three-channel low-temperature infrared-optical gas analyzers with a response time of <1 s is developed for detecting explosive and fire hazardous concentrations of gasified liquefied natural gas (LNG) at temperatures up to 150 K. Their characteristics are described in an analysis of its large-scale emissions into the atmosphere. It is shown that during pulsed LNG emissions in the form of submerged jets and spills on standard concrete and water, large-scale areas of mixtures of air, methane, and light alkane vapors form with an explosive concentration that fluctuates in time and volume. The evaporation of cryogenic methane droplets with diameters of more than 0.1 mm in air and methane vapor from temperatures T = 150–290 K has been studied theoretically and experimentally.

About the authors

A. V. Zagnit’ko

National Research Center Kurchatov Institute

Email: azagnitko@yandex.ru
123098, Moscow, Russia

N. P. Zaretskii

National Research Center Kurchatov Institute

Email: azagnitko@yandex.ru
123098, Moscow, Russia

I. D. Matsukov

National Research Center Kurchatov Institute

Email: azagnitko@yandex.ru
123098, Moscow, Russia

S. E. Sal’nikov

National Research Center Kurchatov Institute

Email: azagnitko@yandex.ru
123098, Moscow, Russia

V. V. Pimenov

National Research Center Kurchatov Institute

Email: azagnitko@yandex.ru
123098, Moscow, Russia

D. Yu. Fedin

National Research Center Kurchatov Institute

Email: azagnitko@yandex.ru
123098, Moscow, Russia

V. I. Alekseev

National Research Center Kurchatov Institute

Author for correspondence.
Email: azagnitko@yandex.ru
123098, Moscow, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 А.В. Загнитько, Н.П. Зарецкий, И.Д. Мацуков, С.Е. Сальников, В.В. Пименов, Д.Ю. Федин, В.И. Алексеев

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