Mathematical Modeling of the Flow of Two-Phase Media in Disc Stack Separators with Curvilinear Discs

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The flow of a two-phase medium in liquid disc stack separators with curvilinear discs was considered. An algorithm for the numerical calculation of the gap between coaxial curvilinear discs was proposed. The equations of motion of a two-phase medium were written in an orthogonal coordinate system fixed to the flow region and were solved by the method of surfaces of equal flow rates. Numerical calculations were carried out for separators with parabolic discs. The calculations showed that, in the inlet region, the flow develops from the initial flat profile to a parabolic one. In this case, the flow near the channel walls slows down, whereas in the center of the flow region, on the contrary, it accelerates. Therefore, in the initial region, the streamlines are curvilinear. The shape of the velocity profile and the curvature of the streamlines are significantly affected by the rotation speed of the discs. At significant rotation speeds, the velocity profile is asymmetric.

About the authors

R. I. Ibyatov

Kazan State Agrarian University

420015, Kazan, Russia

F. G. Akhmadiyev

Kazan State University of Architecture and Engineering

Author for correspondence.
420043, Kazan, Russia


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Copyright (c) 2023 Р.И. Ибятов, Ф.Г. Ахмадиев

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