To the fauna of fleas (Insecta, Siphonaptera) of the reserve “Baikalo-Lensky”

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The fauna of fleas of the Baikalo-Lensky State Nature Reserve (Siberian Federal District, Irkutsk Region) has been poorly studied. One of the authors previously published information about 7 species collected in the reserve, based on the materials of two field seasons in 1997 and 1998. As part of the inventory of the fauna of ectoparasites of the reserve, during seven field seasons, in 2016-2022, new material was collected. The purpose of the research is to make an inventory of the species composition of fleas that parasitize small mammals. As a result of the work, 384 fleas were caught. The collected fleas belong to 16 species from three families. The most interesting find is the flea Catallagia striata Scalon, 1950, which was first encountered in Irkutsk region.

About the authors

O. E Berlov

ФКУЗ Иркутский научно-исследовательский противочумный институт Роспотребнадзора


S. Yu. Artemyeva

ФГБУ «Заповедное Прибайкалье»


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