New Nautilida from the Shakhtau Asselian-Sakmarian Reef Complex (Bashkortostan)

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This paper describes new nautilids from the Shakhtau Asselian–Sakmarian reef complex. Their place in the nautilid system, which is still far from being completely understood, is discussed. Two species of two genera: Omorphoceras igori gen. et sp. nov. and Stenopoceras (Leptodomatoceras) bashkiricum subgen. et sp. nov. are assigned to the subfamily Domatoceratinae Miller et Youngquist, 1949, family Grypoceratidae Hyatt, 1900. The third, Foveroceras magnum gen. et sp. nov., is included in the exotic family Permoceratidae Miller et Collinson, 1953, which was previously considered monotypic and was known only from the Early Permian of Timor Island. The classification of the family Grypoceratidae is discussed, and the validity of the subfamily Domatoceratinae is questioned. The assumed phylogenetic relationship between the families Grypoceratidae and Permoceratidae is confirmed.

About the authors

T. B. Leonova

Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 117647, Moscow

A. Yu. Shedukhin

Borissiak Paleontological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences

Author for correspondence.
Russia, 117647, Moscow


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Copyright (c) 2023 Т.Б. Леонова, А.Ю. Щедухин

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