Effect of Increasing Levels of Mineral Nutrition on the Quality of Various Fractions of Winter Rye Grain

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Data are presented on the change in the main quality indicators of various fractions of winter rye grain grown against the background of increasing levels of mineral nutrition. Studies have shown the absence of any statistically significant dependences of the weight of 1000 grains weight of a certain (specific) fraction of winter rye grain on the level of mineral nutrition. In this case, the dependence of the 1000 grains weight on the grain thickness was described as accurately as possible (by R2) by a second-order equation. In contrast to the 1000 grains weight, the content of protein and pentosans, as well as the value of the falling number indicator, significantly depend both on the level of mineral nutrition and on the thickness of the grain. At the same time, the dependencies of the content of protein and pentosans on the level of mineral nutrition and the of the caryopsis reflect the equations of the second, and the falling number indicator, of the third order as accurately as possible.

About the authors

А. V. Pasynkov

Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural “Belogorka” — Branch of Federal Research Centre of Potato Named after A.G. Lorh

Email: pasynkova.elena@gmail.com
Russian Federation, Gatchinsky district, Leningrad region, p. Belogorka 188338

Е. N. Pasynkova

Leningrad Scientific Research Institute of Agricultural “Belogorka” — Branch of Federal Research Centre of Potato Named after A.G. Lorh

Author for correspondence.
Email: pasynkova.elena@gmail.com
Russian Federation, Gatchinsky district, Leningrad region, p. Belogorka 188338


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