Efficiency of Methods of Bioconversion of Fertilizer Nutrients into Green Fodder in a Peat Bog

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In a two-factor field experiment, the effectiveness of the use of mineral fertilizers in combination with direct sowing of grass seeds in the turf of a cultivated peat bog was studied for the development of low-cost methods of bioconversion of nutrients of mineral fertilizers into green feeds. During the agro-economic and energy assessment of the agricultural practices used, it was established that the combination of sowing and application of mineral fertilizers was effective and contributed to obtaining the highest profit, which amounted to 24-53 thousand. rub/ha, reducing the cost of 100 k.e./ha by an average of 41-46%, increasing the energy efficiency of costs by 1.8 times compared to the control. The highest payback of a feed unit of 1 kg of NPK was noted in variants with cultivated fertilized phytocenosis, this indicator increased by an average of 1.2-1.6 times compared with variants of natural phytocenoses. Taking into account the indicators of soil fertility and the payback of the costs of carrying out a complex of agricultural practices, it was concluded that the optimal dose of mineral fertilizers in the natural phytocenosis (without sowing) was the dose of N60P90K120, in the cultivated phytocenosis - doses of N60P60K90 and N60P90K120.

About the authors

T. Yu. Anisimova

All-Russian Research Institute of Organic Fertilizers and Peat — a Branch unit of “Upper Volga Federal Agrarian Research Centre”

Author for correspondence.
Email: anistan2009@mail.ru
Russian Federation, ul. Pryanisnikova 2, p. Vyatkino, Sudogda district, Vladimir region 601390


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