Model Pendugaan Diameter Pohon Eucalyptus Pellita Clone EP0077AA Berbasis Citra Foto (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle)

  • Muhammad Vio Mohta Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Azwin Azwin Universitas Lancang Kuning
  • Muhammad Ikhwan Fakultas Kehutanan-Universitas Lancang Kuning
Keywords: Unmanned Aerial Vehicle, diameter, correlation


The use of remote sensing to estimate the potential of forest stands continues to develop and one of them is using unmanned aerial vehicle (PUTA) technology. But such an important parameter as the diameter of the trunk at chest level cannot be measured from the orthopoto. This research aims to determine a correlation model of aerial crown diameter with trunk diameter at breast height in PUTA-based trees. This research began in October to November l 2022 in the PT area. Arara Abadi, Minas District, Riau region. Aerial measurements of crown diameter were carried out on orthophotos of 36-month-old eucalyptus (Eucalyptus pellita) forest stands, while stem diameter at breast height was carried out terrestrially. The correlation model equations used are Linear, Power, Exponential, Polynomial, and Logarithmic. The research results show that the best model is a non-linear (polynomial) model with a positive linear correlation between stem diameter and aerial crown diameter with the equation y ꞊ 0.2537x – 0.0058x2 – 0.4812 with a coefficient of determination (R2) 0.9047 and a coefficient of correlation (r) of 0.9511. This explains that the variable diameter at chest height influences the diameter of the aerial canopy by 90.47%


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