

  • Eloisa Perez MacEwan University



conservation, sustainability, business


Dr. J. W. Grant MacEwan, educator, environmentalist, politician and MacEwan University’s namesake once said…

…about the planet

“Thou shalt love and cherish the Great World of Nature, God’s House on loan to us for a season. Conscientious tenants should aspire to nothing less the lofty, practical and moral roles of caretakership. Good citizens should be grateful for the privilege and honor of answering to the challenge of those roles commonly known as conservation and environmental protection.”

…about the people

“Thou shalt despise the sins of extravagance and waste in the lives of both individuals and nations. In a world with limited resources and soaring populations, both breed hunger and misery.”

…and, about profits…

“Consider well thy regard for money. In the lives of young people, exercises in making and saving money may be good but when wealth becomes a object of worship for wealth’s sake or is accumulated in greedy and dishonest ways, there is not much to be said for it and there are many better shapes for a lifetime purpose. ”

Although these assertions were made more than 40 years ago, they could not be more contemporary.




How to Cite

Preface. (2013). Earth Common Journal, 3(2).