Financial and legal regulation of foreign investments in special economic and industrial zones under the legislation of Kazakhstan


  • D.M. Akhmetov



normative legal regulation, foreign investments, investment legislation, nternational economic relations, national space, investment activity, capital optimization, export potential


The article presents a study of the legal regime of special economic and industrial zones as a basis to attract foreign investments. It also examines their characteristic universal indicators and studies tax incentives and preferences for investors. As a result, it is concluded that the activities of the special economic and industrial zones are directed at optimizing the subsequent development of the regions of Kazakhstan. Managing the in-vestment activities of special economic and industrial zones is an essential process, as it provides them with the necessary tools for effective investments. The effective implementation of investment activities of special
economic and industrial zones with the foreign capital depends on the potential business opportunities and re-sources that constitute the development potential of special economic and industrial zones. Investment activi-ty of special economic and industrial zones comprises the implementation of a standard methodology, guided by which, in conjunction with generally accepted procedures, a model for the forecast is formed according to investments. Investment activity of the special economic and industrial zones with foreign capital attraction is subject to constant changes and essentially depends on the conditions in which their activity is performed. The efficiency of the investment attraction policy lies in the determination of the basic rules and agreements concerning foreign investments in the special economic and industrial zones and in the determination of ob-jective criticism of partners in the sphere of implementation of the investment climate of one or another cou n-try. Hence, a number of factors that are attributed to the investment strategy of foreign investors complicate the implementation of the key practice of the special economic and industrial zones, i.e. the growth of foreign exchange earnings. The fixed indicators of export growth include high prices for foreign currency to pay for necessary imports.




