Online ISSN : 2433-0000
Print ISSN : 0910-8025
ISSN-L : 0910-8025
煙感知器連動防火扉の定期点検に関する研究 : 点検記録を用いた故障時間解析と可動率推定
朴 哲也辻本 誠
ジャーナル フリー

1989 年 399 巻 p. 73-80


At first in this study the failure distribution of an interlocking fire door with a smoke detector was determined by analyzing the periodical inspection records. Next based on the failure distribuion the interval availability of the equipment, to which the periodical inspection and the corrective maintainance were executed, was evaluated. By considering the failure modes of elements of the equipment, an interlocking fire door with a smoke detector was divided into two units. The failure distribution of the unit 1, composed of the elements which are broken by sudden failures, is exponential with the failure rate λ=l/4, 341 [failures/day]. While, to the unit 2 mainly composed of electric elements, there may exist some uncertainty on determining the failure distribution whether the exponential distribution with the failure rate λ=1/13, 504 [failures/day] or the normal distribution with the mean μ=5,000 [days] and S. D. σ=2.200 [days]. In the case that these two units constituted a system in series, it was found with numerical simulations that the inspection interval which maximized the interval availability was about 100 days. And it was found that the interval availability became larger at most about 0. 02 if the exponential distribution was assumed as the failure distribution of the unit 2.

© 1989 一般社団法人日本建築学会
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