Online ISSN : 1881-8153
Print ISSN : 1340-4202
ISSN-L : 1340-4202
佐藤 智美
ジャーナル フリー

2009 年 74 巻 638 号 p. 629-638


We show the improved method of the generation of three components of statistical Green's functions considering near-field and intermediate-filed terms developed by Satoh (2008). In the improved method, permanent ground displacements are obtained by the causal Fast Fourier Transform method. The improved method is verified by comparing the generated statistical Green's functions on the seismic bedrock and the engineering bedrock in the near source region with waves computed by the wavenumber integration method for a hypothesized dip-slip earthquake with Mw4.9 As a result, the displacements including permanent displacements of statistical Green's functions generated by the improved method are reasonably reproduced computed ones. On the other hand, the statistical Green's functions generated by the conventional method in which near-field and the intermediate-field terms are not considered tend to underestimate the computed waves of especially vertical and radial components in the near source region.

© 2009 日本建築学会
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