Online ISSN : 1881-817X
Print ISSN : 1348-0685
ISSN-L : 1348-0685
景観としての神社にみる自然環境保全の在り方 : 京都府文化財環境保全地区を事例として
是澤 紀子田中 稲子堀越 哲美
キーワード: 神社, 景観, 自然環境, 保全, 京都
ジャーナル フリー

2005 年 70 巻 598 号 p. 65-70


Shinto shrines are established as sacred places that have historically been preserved together with their natural settings. These include from the small scale settings such as a grove isolated in a residential district or a paddy field, to the large scale ones as forests. This study focused on forests surrounding Shinto shrines that had been protected as the areas of cultural properties in Kyoto. As a result, it was found that the landscape was determined by how natural trees had been preserved with afforested trees for regular maintenance of shrines and also for solemnity as a sacred place. The warmth index could clearly predict the type of natural trees in Keidai surrounding shrine architectures, and suitable trees were found for either warm or cool temperature condition. Such a way to preserve natural trees in landscape of a shrine could become a paradigm for ensuring preservation of environment as far as daily human life was closely involved in landscape constitution at sacred places.

© 2005 日本建築学会
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