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Owner: Elyse R. Shenberger
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Paper Title: Understanding Factors Differentiating Retained and Excluded Children Following Behavior Warnings From Early Childhood Education Programs
Session Title: Classroom Management: Critical Examination of Exclusionary Discipline Practices in School
Paper Type: Paper
Presentation Date: 4/13/2023
Presentation Location: Chicago, IL
Descriptors: Classroom Management, Early Childhood
Methodology: Quantitative
Author(s): Elyse R. Shenberger, University of Illinois at Chicago; Velisha Jackson, University of Illinois at Chicago; Kate Zinsser, University of Illinois at Chicago; Sarai Coba Rodriguez, University of Illinois at Chicago; Josselyn Telule, University of Nebraska - Lincoln
Unit: SIG-Classroom Management
Abstract: Preschoolers are being excluded from early childhood education settings at an alarming rate, placing children at risk for adverse developmental outcomes. This study aimed to understand whether and why some children with “challenging” behavior are expelled, while others are retained following behavior warnings. Results indicate that children and families are not different, and neither are the basic structures and types of programs. Programs, however, respond differently to excluded children by having these children sit out field trips and activities, while retained children experience changes to classroom routines and parents receive resource lists of behavioral supports. Findings can inform prevention efforts, policies, and teacher trainings to better promote inclusive classrooms and programs.