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Owner: Caroline Brayer Ebby
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Paper Title: Developing Teachers' Instructional Vision for Inclusive Math Practice: The Role of Epistemic Experience
Session Title: Elementary Teachers and Coaches' Experiences of Opportunities to Learn
Paper Type: Paper
Presentation Date: 4/21/2022
Presentation Location: San Diego, California
Descriptors: Equity, Mathematics Education, Teacher Education - In-Service/Professional Development
Methodology: Qualitative
Author(s): Caroline Brayer Ebby, University of Pennsylvania; Brittany Hess, Consortium for Policy Research in Education; Lizzy Pecora, The University of Pennsylvania; Jennifer Valerio, The University of Pennsylvania
Unit: SIG-Research in Mathematics Education
Abstract: Teaching math responsively often requires that teachers develop new visions of high-quality instruction as well instructional practices (Munter & Correnti, 2017). Recently, mathematics educators have emphasized the need to pay more attention to the relational aspects of teaching and students’ experience of responsive or ambitious instruction (Battey, 2013; Sikorski, 2015). This qualitative study explores what teachers and leaders learn from engaging as learners to solve challenging mathematics problems in a facilitated community of practice. Our study suggests that teachers can draw on their personal learning experiences to identify with their own students as learners and articulate more inclusive instructional practices.