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Owner: Suneal H. Kolluri
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Paper Title: Outliers for Equity: Choosing (and Not Choosing) College in California's Inland Empire
Session Title: College Access, Community Colleges, and Geography
Paper Type: Paper
Presentation Date: 4/22/2022
Presentation Location: San Diego, California
Descriptors: Counseling, Postsecondary Education, School Culture
Methodology: Mixed Method
Author(s): Suneal Kolluri, San Diego State University; Yiwang Li, University of California - Riverside; Thomas M. Smith, Vanderbilt University; Robert K. Ream, The University of California - Riverside; Cassandra M. Guarino, University of California - Riverside
Unit: Division J - Postsecondary Education
Abstract: The value of a college degree is increasing, and more students from marginalized backgrounds are seeking a college education. Importantly, some schools serving marginalized communities prepare more of their students for college than others. This mixed-methods study seeks to identify schools that are outliers in college outcomes and to illuminate the processes that encourage or discourage college enrollment and persistence. Leveraging the theory of "college conocimiento" and interviews of counselors and administrators in twelve outlier schools, findings suggest that constraints to choice may expand college opportunity. Specifically, schools with high college enrollmentand persistence limited opportunities for students to opt out of college preparation, offered CTE pathways that emphasized college and career, and though often deficit-oriented, saw familial deficits as malleable.