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Owner: Emily Krier
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Paper Title: Interprofessional Responsibility and Action: A Case Study of Collaboration in Early Childhood Special Education
Session Title: Exploring Early Childhood
Paper Type: Roundtable Presentation
Presentation Date: 4/10/2021
Presentation Location: Virtual
Descriptors: Case Studies, Early Childhood, Special Education
Methodology: Qualitative
Author(s): Emily Krier, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; Kaari Grandstrand, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; Alexia Scheibach, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; Mady Studenec, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; Angela Passero Jones, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire; Rebecca Jarzynski, University of Wisconsin - Eau Claire
Unit: SIG-Special and Inclusive Education Research
Abstract: Interdisciplinary student researchers and faculty mentors representing early childhood special education (ECSE) and speech-language pathology (SLP) conducted a case study that exposed disparate ways interdisciplinary professionals collaborate to serve young children with disabilities in inclusive public-school classrooms. Interprofessional collaborative practice occurs when professionals from varied disciplines offer integrated support for services in schools. Three interprofessional teams working with children in early childhood classrooms participated in responsive interviews with student researchers. An inductive analysis of interview transcripts identified three motifs: philosophical (mis)alignment, reflective (in)action, and collective advocacy. The themes convey perceived facilitators and barriers to collaboration and effectiveness across participating team members. These findings contribute to discussions surrounding the practicality and effectiveness of interprofessional collaborative practice in ECSE and related fields.