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Owner: Leyton Schnellert
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Paper Title: Growing Innovation in Rural Sites of Learning: The Role of Professional Learning Networks in Educational Change
Session Title: Facilitating Education Change Through Various Perspectives
Paper Type: Roundtable Presentation
Presentation Date: 4/9/2021
Presentation Location: Virtual
Descriptors: Collaboration, Educational Reform, Professional Community
Methodology: Qualitative
Author(s): Leyton Schnellert, The University of British Columbia; Graham Giles, York University; Donna Lynn Kozak, The University of British Columbia - Okanagan; Mehjabeen Datoo, University of Toronto; Miriam Miller, The University of British Columbia
Unit: SIG-Educational Change
Abstract: The majority of the research to date on professional learning networks (PLNs) has been conducted in urban settings; few studies specifically examine the experience and impact of rural collaboratives, and even fewer take up a place conscious lens that spans rural and remote contexts (Author, 2020; Battelle for Kids, 2016; Tieken, 2014). This study explores the potential of professional learning networks to impact research and practice related to teaching and learning innovations in rural and remote schools and school districts.