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Owner: Amy L. Chapman
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Paper Title: Applying a Critical Lens to Teachers' Use of Social Media for Civic Education
Session Title: Toward More Just Futures: Media and/as/for Social Justice
Paper Type: Paper
Presentation Date: 4/10/2021
Presentation Location: Virtual
Descriptors: Citizenship, Critical Theory, Technology
Methodology: Qualitative
Author(s): Amy Lynn Chapman, Teachers College, Columbia University; Christine M. Greenhow, Michigan State University
Unit: SIG-Media, Culture, and Learning
Abstract: Through outdated methods or by functionally disenfranchising students who are outside the predominant power structure, mainstream civic education maintains hegemonic structures and, consequently, systems of oppression. Scholars have argued that reconceptualizing citizenship and using social media may address these problems, but few studies have examined teachers’ use of social media in civic education. Applying critical perspectives, this research explored teachers’ conceptualizations of citizenship and their use of Twitter with students for civic education. Teachers’ conceptions of citizenship were influenced by geographic and racial barriers to youth civic participation, which informed how they taught civics. Teachers’ intention for using Twitter was to provide students with an avenue to disrupt these barriers; however, teachers’ practices did not always align with their intentions.