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Owner: Pauline Slot
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Paper Title: Do Disadvantaged Children Get Equal Opportunities in Scandinavian Universal Early Childhood Education and Care Provisions?
Session Title: Division L Section 8 Roundtable
Paper Type: Roundtable Presentation
Presentation Date: 4/18/2020
Presentation Location: Online
Descriptors: Early Childhood, Equity, Policy
Methodology: Quantitative
Author(s): Pauline Slot, Utrecht University; Paul P.M. Leseman, Utrecht University; Dorthe Bleses, Aarhus University
Unit: Division L - Educational Policies and Politics
Abstract: Universal systems with one type of provision, early entitlement and generous public spending are thought to be superior in enrolling children from disadvantaged backgrounds and providing them with high quality education and care, but strong proof is lacking. To add to the body of knowledge, the present paper presents recent evidence from Denmark and Norway, both with a universal early education and care system and generous public funding. The findings reveal a critical picture. Compared to countries with split, partly or completely privatized systems, but with targeted measures in place, the current findings suggest that also in universal systems targeted measures are needed to ensure equal opportunities and to enhance the compensatory effects of ECEC.