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Owner: Carlos Chavez
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Paper Title: Racial and Gender Expression Discrimination Among High School Students
Session Title: Intersectional Examinations of Race, Class, and Gender Structured Poster Session
Paper Type: Session Paper
Presentation Date: 4/8/2019
Presentation Location: Toronto, Canada
Descriptors: Ethnicity, Gender Studies, Social and Emotional Learning
Methodology: Quantitative
Author(s): Carlos Chavez, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; Michael C. Rodriguez, University of Minnesota; Tai Tri Do, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities; Samuel D. Ihlenfeldt, University of Minnesota
Unit: SIG-Critical Examination of Race, Ethnicity, Class and Gender in Education
Abstract: Students identify race/ethnicity and gender expression as being two prominent reasons for being harassed or bullied, essentially the target of discrimination. As expected these incidents are prominent among students who are not White and are non-binary in gender identity or express gender in ways other than expected given biological sex. Through a large-scale statewide student survey, we explore these associations, including the moderating effects of family/community and teacher/school supports. We find the likelihood of being bullied because of race/ethnicity or gender identity are reduced as supports increase. We explore implications for practitioners, regarding the role of increased supports and the complexities of race/ethnicity and gender expression.