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Owner: Lara Jasien
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Paper Title: Mathematics Problem-Posing in Informal Contexts
Session Title: Executive Functions, Metacognition, and Problem Design in Mathematics Learning
Paper Type: Roundtable Presentation
Presentation Date: 4/6/2019
Presentation Location: Toronto, Canada
Descriptors: Mathematics Education, Out-of-School Learning, Situated Learning
Methodology: Qualitative
Author(s): Lara Jasien, Vanderbilt University; Melissa Sommefeld Gresalfi, Vanderbilt University
Unit: Division C - Learning and Instruction
Abstract: Mathematics instruction in the U.S. largely involves engaging learners in solving predetermined problems, but rarely involves opportunities for problem-posing. In contrast, mathematics in everyday life is rich with examples of problem-posing. We seek to bridge gaps in these research strands by examining problem-posing in a mathematical playground; a context less constrained than the classroom but more constrained than everyday life. Taking a situative perspective, we conceptualize mathematical problems as generated in interaction rather than encountered in textbooks. Using open-coding and interaction analysis, we examined late elementary and early middle school aged learners’ activity within “episodes of making” at a mathematical playground. By examining how tool affordances mediate problem-posing, we begin to develop grounded theory on informal mathematical problem-posing.