• Original research article
  • March 28, 2024
  • Open access

Linguistic units with the meaning of space, weight, and cost measures as a fragment of the linguistic worldview of the Crimean Tatars


The aim of the research is to identify linguistic units expressing one of the fundamental philosophical concepts, i.e., the category of measure, in the linguistic worldview of the Crimean Tatars. The authors have examined units of measurement in historical and contemporary, official and folk metrology presented in the Crimean Tatar language with various genetic types: original, common Turkic, and borrowed vocabulary. Similar and distinctive features of synchronic and diachronic linguistic units have been identified. The work is novel in that it is the first to explore metrological vocabulary in the Crimean Tatar language as a universal linguistic phenomenon with a dual nature: linguistic and cultural. As a result, the researchers have analyzed metrological units found in various Crimean Tatar documentary sources and identified their ratio and genetic affiliations. It has been determined that etymologically, metrological terms can be traced back to common Turkic, Indo-European, and Arabic roots. Borrowings from different periods are linked to the development of socio-economic relations and trade of the Crimean Tatars with neighboring peoples. In the analysis, special attention has been given to the linguistic units containing concepts significant for Crimean Tatar ethnic culture, reflecting the particularities of the people’s traditional way of life and their assessment of the surrounding reality.


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Author information

Emine Suleymanovna Ganieva


Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, Simferopol

Ahtem Seit-Ametovich Mazinov


Fevzi Yakubov Crimean Engineering and Pedagogical University, Simferopol

About this article

Publication history

  • Received: February 9, 2024.
  • Published: March 28, 2024.


  • крымскотатарский язык
  • категория меры
  • метрологическая лексика
  • единицы измерения
  • Crimean Tatar language
  • category of measure
  • metrological vocabulary
  • units of measurement


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