Anti-obesity and hypo-lipidemic activity of Eleusine indica against high fat diet-induced obesity in rats

Dipawalee D. Kadam *, Sumit L. Wankhede, Umesh T. Jadhao, Shital D. Sable, Pradnya D. Muneshwar and Mangesh D. Raut

Department of Pharmacology SDMVMS SVP College of Pharmacy Hatta.Tq Basmath Dist-Hingoli Maharashtra, India.
Research Article
World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 18(01), 198–204.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.18.1.0103
Publication history: 
Received on 17 January 2024; revised on 09 April 2024; accepted on 12 April 2024
In present study the pharmacological activity of Eleusine indica extract for Anti-obesity and Hypo-lipidemic effects in animal model. The phytochemical components of extract like terpenoids, saponin, alkoids and flavonoids, which already implicated for anti-hyperlipidemic activity. There was a comparative reduction in body weight of methanolic extract of Eleusine indica treated groups at “200”and ‘400 mg’/kg, atorvastatin “10 mg”/kg .when compared to the high fat diet administered rats. The results also suggested that methanolic extract of Eleusine indica at “200mg”/kg and 400 mg/kg are capable preventing the body weight gain this result was in accordance with the result reported from previous study where a dose depedent decrease in the body weight was observed. This study also proved remarkable increased in locomotor activity when compared with high fat administered rats. Whereas in obese rats there was reduction in locomotors activity. Present study also reported that methanolic extract of Eleusine indica significant [P<0.001] decreased the level of LDL and Triglycerides also apart from reduction in weight, supplementation with MEEI was observed to attenuate significantly [P<0.01] decreased the levels of total cholesterol and significantly increased [P<0.01] the HDL level in rats feed with HFD.
Eleusine indica; Methanolic extract; Anti-obesity; Hypo-lipidemic
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