The positive effect of designing a gas fired reverberatory furnace in recycling aluminum scraps in our environment

Agatovure Ohwojero Benedict 1, * and Agatovure Ohwojero Bernard 2

1 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Delta State University, Abraka, Deita State Nigeria.
2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Federal University of Petroleum Resources Effurun, Nigeria.
World Journal of Advanced Engineering Technology and Sciences, 2023, 09(02), 049–057.
Article DOI: 10.30574/wjaets.2023.9.2.0179
Publication history: 
Received on 12 May 2023; revised on 03 July 2023; accepted on 06 July 2023
A furnace is a device for high furnace heating, through (fuel or gas combustion, co-generation, electric or induction). A gas fired reverberator furnace was designed,a reverberator furnace is mainly used for the extraction of tin, copper, aluminum and nickel metals as well as in the production of certain concretes and cements. It is a metallurgical or process furnace that isolates the materials being processed from contact with fuel, but not from contact with combustion gases.The furnace was fired with liquefied petroleum gas (butane) at a constant temperature of 660.3 degrees was maintained in order to melt metals efficiently. The reverberator furnace side walls were lined with refractory bricks and glass fibers to reduce heat loss to the amount. The device was observed to use only one-third(1/3) of the time used by the conventional bituminous coal charged. Addition of oxygen enhances the combustion rate, thereby reducing the time in melting. An efficiency of about 76% was obtained from design analysis as melted scraps were used in the production of simple tools.
Gas fired reverberator furnace; Thermal conductivity; Conceptual and detailed design; Material Used for Fabrication; Virtual Design
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