Study on morphological characterization of Citrus macroptera Mont collected from garo hills district Meghalaya, India

Pronomi M Sangma * and Suresh Chellakan Perinba

Department of Horticulture, North Eastern Hill University, Tura, 794002, Meghalaya, India.
Research Article
International Journal of Science and Research Archive, 2022, 07(02), 344–356.
Article DOI: 10.30574/ijsra.2022.7.2.0233
Publication history: 
Received on 29 September 2022; revised on 28 November 2022; accepted on 01 December 2022
The work was undertaken to study the variability in Citrus macroptera from five Garo hills district. Many important horticultural plant species, viz. Citrus are known to have originated from this region. Citrus macroptera Mont. is one of the endangered, semi-wild species which have found to exist in various parts of NE region, including Meghalaya. Thirty accession of Citrus macroptera from five different districts of Garo Hills, Meghalaya were collected to study its variability in quantity and quality parameters. In the study significant to highly significant differences were observed among the genotypes. The analysis of variance for different parameters such as tree height, tree girth, leaf length, leaf width, fruit width, fruit length, fruit weight, number of fruit segment, rind thickness, number of seeds per segment, seed length, and seed width varied significantly among accession. Variability among accession collected from different location shows the great scope for genetically potential genotypes for cultivation and also for their exploitation in plant breeding programme. 
Citrus macroptera; Diversity; Endangered species; Morphological characterization
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