Biosafety applies to covid-19: Using realistic high-fidelity simulation in times of pandemic

Montenegro Sayane Marlla Silva Leite *, Farias Daniel Lima de, Saldanha Daniel Matos and Silveira Joelma da Silva

Federal Institute of Science and Technology of Amazonas - CSGC, São Gabriel da Cachoeira, Amazonas, Brasil.
Research Article
GSC Advanced Research and Reviews, 2021, 07(03), 001–004.
Article DOI: 10.30574/gscarr.2021.7.3.0114
Publication history: 
Received on 29 April 2021; revised on 30 May 2021; accepted on 01 June 2021
The concept of Biosafety is very simple and fundamental for every student and health professional, especially for those working on the front line of the Pandemic SaRS-COV (COVID - 19). Biosafety is a set of rules that aim to reduce risks to workers' health, guiding them to the handling and disposal of products, medicines, substances and much more. The levels of Biosafety to be followed vary according to the function of each one, but all workers, from the attendant to the surgeon must meet their standards. The Biosafety course contains all the necessary information to help in the control and prevention of infections, for this pandemic period the course becomes even more relevant, especially when worked through realistic simulation. The audience involved in this course were students of the technical course in nursing who are in a supervised internship and professionals from the units where these students will provide internships. Considering the current pandemic scenario experienced and the need for prevention and safety at work, the biosafety course sought to update supervised internship students in technical nursing and professionals working in the laboratory environment, promoting the development of technical and preventive attitudes according to occupational class legislation. The results showed that the realistic simulation can be applied together with biosafety and that it represents a methodology accepted by students and professionals, as well as highly innovative.
Biosafety; Realistic simulation; Health education
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