CMOS THz Camera Used as Compact Antenna Test Range

In this paper, a silicon lens-integrated CMOS THz camera is employed as a compact antenna test range. The far-field radiation pattern of a 26-dBi 0.852-THz standard gain horn antenna radiation source is characterized. Both single-frame low-resolution and multi-frame super-resolution acquisition are performed. The latter is employed to measure a far-field radiation pattern with enhanced angular resolution. The directivity of the source is determined from both measured single-frame low-resolution and multi-frame super-resolution radiation patterns. The maximum directivity in the respective radiation patterns is 25 dBi and 25.8 dBi, respectively, determined with an accuracy of 1 dB and 0.2 dB. Improved accuracy in the latter is due to better angular resolution.

This document is the accepted manuscript version that has been published in final form in: 2020 Third International Workshop on Mobile Terahertz Systems (IWMTS).

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