Journal article Open Access

Valuable Manuscripts and Old Printed Books Preserved at the Bulgarian National Museum of History in Sofia

Voutova, Nina

This article is a presentation of the work on the two-volume Опис на ръкописите, старопечатните, редките и ценните издания в Националния Исторически Музей (‘Catalogue of the manuscripts, old printed books, rare and valuable editions at the National Museum of History’), I: Славянски ръкописи, кирилски печатни книги и периодични издания (‘Slavic manuscripts, Cyrillic printed books and periodicals’), ed. N. Voutova and V. Velinova, II: Чуждоезични ръкописи, документи, старопечатни книги, редки и ценни издания (‘Foreign manuscripts, documents, old printed books, rare and valuable editions’), ed. N. Voutova (Sofia: Unicart, 2013 and 2017).

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