Online ISSN : 1881-0888
Print ISSN : 0387-754X
ISSN-L : 0387-754X
放電表面処理による TiC 皮膜の改良に関する研究
-Si を含有した改良 TiC 皮膜の組織解析および特性評価-
鷲見 信行後藤 昭弘寺本 浩行安永 裕介中野 善和
ジャーナル フリー

2012 年 46 巻 113 号 p. 133-140


 A titanium carbide (TiC) layer formed by electrical discharge coating has high hardness and excellent wear resistance. Therefore, this layer has been applied to molds, jigs and tools to extend the lives of these devices. On the other hand, depending on prospective application, it may be difficult to apply the layer because of defects and roughness on its surface. In this study, to reduce the number of defects and roughness, an improved TiC layer was formed using a TiC electrode containing silicon (Si), and the characteristics of the layer were investigated. It was found that the defects of the improved TiC layer were fewer than those of the TiC layer. The more Si the electrode contained, the fewer the defects in the improved TiC layer. The roughness of the improved TiC layer was lower than that of the TiC layer, and the hardness of the improved TiC layer was higher than that of the Si layer by electrical discharge coating. The more Si the electrode contained, the lower the roughness and hardness of the improved TiC layer. Furthermore, the improved TiC layer had excellent corrosion, erosion and oxidation resistance, the same as the Si layer.

© 2012 一般社団法人 電気加工学会