Online ISSN : 1881-0888
Print ISSN : 0387-754X
ISSN-L : 0387-754X
ジャンプフラッシング放電加工の等価モデル (第2報)
土屋 政光金子 勉安部 泰浩
ジャーナル フリー

1993 年 27 巻 55 号 p. 31-40


This study aims to represent the characteristics of the jump-flushing EDM by a simple mathematical model in order to realize suitable selections of jump parameters through computer simulations.
In the previous report, we proposed a basic model from a consideration of similarity between the increasing process of machining products in the working gap and the charging process of a capacitance in the DC electrical circuit. As a result, that model showed validities to represent a change in machining characteristics and jump parameters with progression of machining.
In the present report, we propose an expanded model in which influences of duty factor of working pulses are taken into consideration. Computer simulations based on the new model showed that suitable jump parameters and rest time of working pulse are able to be estimated. Further expansion of the model will be possible by considering influences of peak current or pulse duration in the similar way of the duty factor.

© 社団法人 電気加工学会