


Paul Auster, Sunset Park, American Postmodern Fiction, American Transcendentalism, Post-postmodernism


At the turn of the millennium, the young writers of the New Sincerity movement tried to create a new realist literature by getting rid of the destructive power of postmodern irony. The consecrated writers of the old postmodern guard, whose Weltanschauung was conformed to the style and the relativistic reality-processing modes of the previous paradigm, saw this change with scepticism. Nevertheless, there was a change in their sensibility when approaching certain themes. This article analyses Paul Auster’s Sunset Park as paradigmatic example of that shift in order to shed some light on its nature.


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Author Biography

Jesús Bolaño Quintero, Universidad de Cádiz

Jesús Bolaño Quintero is a full-time lecturer at the University of Cadiz, where he read his PhD on Paul Auster and Dave Eggers. His research interests are centred on the role of transcendentalism in post-postmodern American literature and cinema. His latest article, entitled “Post-Postmodern Cinema at the Turn of the Millennium: Paul Thomas Anderson’s Magnolia,” was published in the 2020 volume of the scientific journal Revista de Estudios Norteamericanos.


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2021-12-31 — Updated on 2022-01-13



