Pham Thi Que, Pham Van Thang

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Abstract: The study describes clinical features, causes and classification of acute respiratory failure in a group of children treated in the Intensive Care Unit of Vietnam National Children's Hospital through arterial blood gas. A prospective descriptive study was conducted on 96 patients with acute respiratory failure in the named hospital from October 2016 to October 2017. The study results show that Type 2 acute respiratory failure accounted for 55.2%, followed by Type 1 with 25% and Type 3, 19.8%. All the patients with Type 1 respiratory failure had tachypnea, cyanosis, SpO2 ≤ 90% and bilateral parenchymal lung injury. The patients with Type 2 acute respiratory failure had symptoms like bradypnea, acynosis, SpO2 ≥ 90%; highly frequent wheezing; and emphysema and atelectasis accounted for 37.2%. The results also show that bronchopneumonia was the most common cause of acute respiratory failure, in which, 61.1% was Type 2 acute respiratory failure. The paper concludes that the indentified clinical features of acute respiratory failure can be used to assess severe conditions and recommend appropriate treatment interventions.

Keywords: Classification of acute respiratory failure, arterial blood gas.


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