Hierarchical State Abstraction based on Structural Information Principles

Hierarchical State Abstraction based on Structural Information Principles

Xianghua Zeng, Hao Peng, Angsheng Li, Chunyang Liu, Lifang He, Philip S. Yu

Proceedings of the Thirty-Second International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence
Main Track. Pages 4549-4557. https://doi.org/10.24963/ijcai.2023/506

State abstraction optimizes decision-making by ignoring irrelevant environmental information in reinforcement learning with rich observations. Nevertheless, recent approaches focus on adequate representational capacities resulting in essential information loss, affecting their performances on challenging tasks. In this article, we propose a novel mathematical Structural Information principles-based State Abstraction framework, namely SISA, from the information-theoretic perspective. Specifically, an unsupervised, adaptive hierarchical state clustering method without requiring manual assistance is presented, and meanwhile, an optimal encoding tree is generated. On each non-root tree node, a new aggregation function and condition structural entropy are designed to achieve hierarchical state abstraction and compensate for sampling-induced essential information loss in state abstraction. Empirical evaluations on a visual gridworld domain and six continuous control benchmarks demonstrate that, compared with five SOTA state abstraction approaches, SISA significantly improves mean episode reward and sample efficiency up to 18.98 and 44.44%, respectively. Besides, we experimentally show that SISA is a general framework that can be flexibly integrated with different representation-learning objectives to improve their performances further.
Machine Learning: ML: Reinforcement learning
Agent-based and Multi-agent Systems: MAS: Applications
Machine Learning: ML: Deep reinforcement learning