To Do or Not to Do: Implementation Issues in the NCE English Language Teacher Education Programme


Dr. Felicity Breet
Dr. Ejovi Annmarie Emarievbe


The paper examines the implementation issues of the English Language teacher education programme in two Colleges of Education within the Nigerian context. Although the programme is well- structured and has clear objectives, it is plagued by a number of problems which affect the implementation of the programme itself. The paper explores the interpretations of the programme objectives from the lecturers' perspectives and the implications this has on their perception of the programme, their teaching practice and on what they teach. The study compares "said practice to actual practice” and highlights and explores some of the problems resulting from a mis-match of policies and practice which have a domino effect on the overall implementation and success of the English Language teacher education programme in two Colleges of Education. The findings reveal that some lecturers in the programmehave very limited knowledge of the programme objectives. The study equally shows that the Colleges of Education, in their quest for internally generated revenue, unintentionally "sabotage” their own programmes.


How to Cite
Breet, D. F., & Emarievbe, D. E. A. (2019). To Do or Not to Do: Implementation Issues in the NCE English Language Teacher Education Programme. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 7(11).