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BY-NC-ND 3.0 license Open Access Published by De Gruyter Open Access November 21, 2013

A rough curvature-dimension condition for metric measure spaces

  • Anca-Iuliana Bonciocat EMAIL logo
From the journal Open Mathematics


We introduce and study a rough (approximate) curvature-dimension condition for metric measure spaces, applicable especially in the framework of discrete spaces and graphs. This condition extends the one introduced by Karl-Theodor Sturm, in his 2006 article On the geometry of metric measure spaces II, to a larger class of (possibly non-geodesic) metric measure spaces. The rough curvature-dimension condition is stable under an appropriate notion of convergence, and stable under discretizations as well. For spaces that satisfy a rough curvature-dimension condition we prove a generalized Brunn-Minkowski inequality and a Bonnet-Myers type theorem.

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Published Online: 2013-11-21
Published in Print: 2014-2-1

© 2014 Versita Warsaw

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