Dual Solutions for Boundary Layer Flow of Moving Fluid over a Moving Surface with Power-Law Surface Temperature
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Department of Mathematics, University of Burdwan Burdwan-713104, W.B., INDIA
Department of Mechanical Engineering Cleveland State University Cleveland, OH 44115, USA
Online publication date: 2013-04-19
Publication date: 2013-03-01
International Journal of Applied Mechanics and Engineering 2013;18(1):113-124
An analysis of heat transfer for boundary layer forced convective flow past a moving flat surface parallel to a moving stream is presented. The power-law surface temperature at the boundary is prescribed. The surface temperature varying directly (or inversely) with power-law exponent is considered. The similarity solutions for the problem are obtained and the reduced ordinary differential equations are solved numerically. To support the validity of the numerical results, a comparison is made with known results from the open literature for some particular cases of the present study. When the surface and the fluid move in the opposite directions, dual solutions exist.
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