Online ISSN : 2434-0510
Print ISSN : 2185-1646
内山 治樹大神 訓章小野 秀二
ジャーナル フリー

1996 年 9 巻 1 号 p. 25-37


    The purpose of this study was to investigate the skilled process related to the qualitative change by the movement form of dribble shoot by non-dominant hand in 23 female subjects who were from the third grade to the sixth grade in an elementary school. We also aimed to obtain some suggestion of adaptable instruction of the shooting skill.

    The main results may be summarized as follows:

   1) A certain close relationship was found between the number of experienced month and the score of form. In addition, it was found that the starting time of instruction of dribble shoot by non-dominant hand is effective to start the same time of instruction of dominant hand.

   2) The difference between the skilled process of dribble shoot by dominant and non-dominant hand was appeared by the keep phase. According the develpomental tendency of qualitative change in dribble shoot movement by non-dominant hand was depended on the keep phase.

   3) The skilled process of dribble shoot by non-dominant hand was found to develop step by step through the 6 stages from the state of beginners to that of the skilled performers and to appear the one-handed shoot if the performer was enabled to step the stride pattern from non-dominant foot to dominant foot in the keep phase.

   4) When instructing the dribble shoot by non-dominant hand, it should be instructed through the following processes: to step the stride pattern from non-dominant foot to dominant foot, then to lift the opposite foot of takeoff foot and carry the ball up with one hand, finally to release the ball softly and jump still higher.

© 1996 日本コーチング学会
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