Bulletin of Education and Health Sciences, Uekusa-Gakuen University
Online ISSN : 2433-555X
Print ISSN : 1883-5988
A Diachronic Study of Small Track Classes in University (1)
Does the Students’ English Proficiency Improve?
Author information

2019 Volume 11 Pages 29-39


 The purpose of the present study was to verify the effects of small track classes aimed at improving the freshmen’s English ability at University X. The small track classes were conducted in 2013, 2014, and 2015, with the approximately 200 freshmen of each year being divided into upper, middle, and lower level classes. The size of each class was around 20 students, and two classes from each level were selected as samples for this trial each year. After four months of instruction, the effects of the small track classes were measured by both a written and a listening test, comparing each pre- and post-test score. In the results, the students’ English proficiency consistently showed significant improvement on the written test in the lower level classes. In all classes regardless of level, the students’ English proficiency on the written test gradually improved to produce an overall significant difference in the final year. Despite these results, no improvement on the listening test was shown in any year either overall or in any individual class. These findings made it apparent that the next measures to be taken should be for the enhancement of the students’ listening comprehension along with further work on written English. More specifically, the former would be for all the classes, while the latter for the upper and the middle level classes only.

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© 2019 Uekusa Gakuen

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