Online ISSN : 2433-1899
Print ISSN : 0919-8393
高見 暁子
ジャーナル フリー

2017 年 43 巻 p. 24-43


In Yokohama City, before the government revised the law, the Board of Education originally decided to collaborate with the universities which offered teacher training courses in Kanagawa Prefecture. In this paper, the progress of the action by Yokohama City Board of Education is reported, and the way of educating and training teachers is considered.

In Yokohama City, 55% of the teachers have worked no more than 10 years. Because the Board of Education had anticipated this situation, they took measures as follows.

1 Making a “talent encouraging indicator for the teachers” according to their career stage

2 Taking account of school-based training by establishing a “mentor-team”

3 Founding “Eye (I) College” to educate the applicants for teaching posts in Yokohama City

However, because the school situation has become more and more complicated and has changed with remarkable speed, Yokohama City found that they needed to take new measures targeting more applicants to teaching positions in Yokohama City.

They decided to work together with the universities. They visited 41 universities to exchange opinions with each other, and conducted surveys in 2013. They also made agreements with 47 universities regarding cooperation in educating and training teachers, and started the “Conference on teacher education and training with the universities” in 2014. As a result of the visits and the survey, they came to understand the conditions and ideas of the universities.

In 2015, they shifted from a general approach to an individual approach in order for each university to participate flexibly. They also took into account “the interchange program” between the public schools and the universities. In 2016, they made efforts to improve the way of conducting “teaching practice” and “the interchange program”.

From now on, the Board of Education and the universities should have closer cooperation in educating and training teachers, and should come to a shared understanding of the present conditions of the schools. They have to educate and train teachers who can play an active role on the school front line.

© 2017 日本教育行政学会
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