Design and Dynamics Modelling of a Novel Rotary Magnetic Microrobot

Document Type : Article


1 Nanorobotics Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran

2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran


Swimming microrobots with various applications in targeted drug delivery, diagnostics, and minimally invasive surgery, have attracted a lot of interest in recent years. They are usually steered by an external energy source such as a magnetic field. In this paper, we have proposed a novel low Reynolds number swimmer driven by a rotary magnetic field and discussed its design parameters. The microrobot consists of a central sphere and two arms, which create linear movement with its rotation. It is shown that the microrobot speed depends on its dimensions and the magnetic field angular velocity. Based on the of 140 micrometers per second. In addition, we have shown simultaneous control of two microrobots based on their different reactions to the same input.


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