Pengaruh penambahan silane terhadap kekuatan fleksural reinforced composite yang diperkuat dengan glass fiber non-dental

The effect of silane addition on the flexural strength of non-dental glass fiber reinforced composite

Farahdina Maulida, Widya Puspita Sari, Darmawangsa Darmawangsa


Pendahuluan: Fiber reinforced composite terdiri dari gabungan resin komposit dan fiber. Kandungan tersebut dapat meningkatkan kekuatan fleksural. Kekuatan fleksural sangat diperlukan pada material kedokteran gigi supaya tahan terhadap tekanan oklusal. Ketersediaan e-glass fiber dental masih terbatas dengan harga yang cukup mahal sehingga dibutuhkan alternatif dengan glass fiber non-dental. Pemeriksaan komposisi glass fiber non-dental dengan teknik X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) menunjukkan bahwa glass fiber non-dental memiliki komposisi yang hampir sama dengan e-glass fiber dental. Aplikasi dengan silane coupling agent dibutuhkan agar glass fiber non-dental dapat meningkatkan ikatan dengan resin komposit supaya tidak menimbulkan fraktur awal dalam komposit. Tujuan penelitian untuk menganalisis pengaruh penambahan silane terhadap kekuatan fleksural fiber reinforced composites pada gigi tiruan cekat. Metode: Desain penelitian yang digunakan adalah eksperimental laboratorium. Penelitian dilakukan dengan menggunakan glass fiber non-dental dengan silane dan glass fiber non-dental tanpa silane masing-masing 4 sampel dengan ukuran sampel balok 25 x 2 x 2 mm. Sampel dilakukan uji kekuatan fleksural menggunakan alat universal testing machine. Uji ini dilakukan dengan meletakkan spesimen melintang pada papan penyangga, kemudian pada sumbu vertikal diberikan gaya tepat di tengahnya dengan kecepatan konstan hingga terjadi fraktur, analisa menggunakan uji independent sample t-test. Hasil: Rerata kekuatan fleksural dengan nilai tertinggi pada kelompok fiber non-dental dengan silane dan terendah pada kelompok fiber non-dental tanpa silane serta tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan pada penambahan silane terhadap kekuatan fleksural glass fiber non-dental pada fiber reinforced composite. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat pengaruh penambahan silane terhadap kekuatan fleksural glass fiber non-dental pada fiber reinforced composite.

Kata kunci: Kekuatan fleksural, silane coupling agent, fiber reinforced composite, glass fiber non-dental.



Introduction: Fiber reinforced composite is a combination of composite and fiber resin which fabricated to improve the flexural strength. Flexural strength is needed in dental materials to be resistant towards occlusal pressure. The availability of dental glass fiber is still limited at a quite high price thus needed an alternative of non-dental glass fiber. Examination of the composition of non-dental glass fiber using the X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometer (XRF) technique showed that non-dental glass fiber had a structure similar to e-glass fiber dental. Application of silane coupling agent is needed so that non-dental glass fiber can increase the bonding with composite resin thus not causing any fracture site in the composite. This study was aimed to analyse the effect of silane addition on the flexural strength of fiber reinforced composites on the fixed denture. Methods: The research design used was an experimental laboratory. The study was conducted using non-dental glass fiber with silane and non-dental glass fiber without silane; each consisted of 4 block samples with a size of 25 x 2 x 2 mm. The sample was tested for the flexural strength using a universal testing machine. This test was carried out by placing the specimen across the suspension board; then a force was given right in the middle of the vertical axis with constant speed until a fracture occurred; data analysis was performed using the independent sample t-test. Result: The average flexural strength with the highest value was found in the non-dental glass fiber groupwith silane addition, and the lowest was found in the non-dental glass fiber group without silane. There was no significant effect of silane addition to the flexural strength of non-dental glass fiber reinforced composite. Conclusion: There is no effect of silane addition to the flexural strength of non-dental glass fiber reinforced composite.

Keywords: Flexural strength, silane coupling agent, fiber reinforced composite, non-dental glass fiber.


Kekuatan fleksural, silane coupling agent, fiber reinforced composite, glass fiber non-dental, flexural strength, silane coupling agent, fiber reinforced composite, non-dental glass fiber.

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