Preliminarny studies on scratch resistance of the face shields surface of firefighting helmets


  • Daniel Pieniak University of Economics and Innovation in Lublin
  • Agata Walczak Main School of Fire Service in Warsaw



firefighter helmet, reflective coatings, scratch resistance


Nowadays, in rescue operations firefighters of the State Fire Service use firefighting helmets which protect their head. Type B helmets in accordance with PN EN 433 technical norm are most often used. The face shields of firefighting helmets are usually made of transparent polycarbonate. One layer of metalized coatings, usually made in PVD technology are often applied on the shield surface. Sometimes multi-layer and gradient coatings are also applied. The surface of a visor may get damaged. Surface damages limit the field of rescuer view, and also adversely influence on barrier properties of the shield. One of the utility criterion for face shields and glasses of firefighting helmets is scratch resistance. Comparative studies on scratch resistance of surface were performed. The test was conducted with the use of Rockwell diamond cone. Small differences in scratch resistance were shown. The mechanism of surface degradation due to scratch of studied shields were varied. The highest resistance against the indenter was obtained in case of the shield surface of the Kontekst helmet. The lowest surface degradation was observed for the helmet with the shield face covered by metalized coating - Gallet. The face shields of helmets without coating were characterized by higher dam-ages. The highest damage was obtained in case of the Kontekst helmet.


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How to Cite

Pieniak, D., & Walczak, A. (2019). Preliminarny studies on scratch resistance of the face shields surface of firefighting helmets. AUTOBUSY – Technika, Eksploatacja, Systemy Transportowe, 20(1-2), 322–326.


