Patient reported outcome of silversplints used for osteoarthritis of the hand


  • Nienke Roux
  • Wouter Akkerman
  • Marco Toor
  • Jan Willem van der Windt



osteoarthritis, hand deformities, arthritis, splint, orthotic devices.


Pain, stiffness and joint deformity can result in significantly reduced hand function in people with osteoarthritis. Characteristic finger deformities in osteoarthritis are swan neck deformity and boutonni?re deformity. Several studies have reported that an orthosis decreases pain and increases function during daily activities for patients with arthritis. The aim of this study was to review patient-reported outcomes of current conservative therapeutic management with silver ring splints (silversplints) for patients with osteoarthritis of the hand. There was a 76% improvement in overall daily functioning and a 74% reduction in pain. Several questions concerned daily activities with different types of hand function and with different types of grip and use of fingers. The results show a major improvement in both the more open grip of the hand and activities requiring fine motor skills. The ability to use force with the hand, even when wearing an orthosis, is an important result. Patients who experienced ?no problems or minor problems? had significantly increased functioning in several activities of daily living, but the largest improvement in functioning was seen in ?household chores? (243%), ?opening jars? (150%) and ?lifting groceries? (143%). Overall, silversplints appear to serve as a suitable support for the joints in osteoarthritis of the hand, providing pain relief by preventing the joint from moving through its full range of motion. Use of silversplints to treat patients with osteoarthritis of the hand should be considered as a useful, non-surgical method.


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How to Cite

Roux, N., Akkerman, W., Toor, M., & Willem van der Windt, J. (2021). Patient reported outcome of silversplints used for osteoarthritis of the hand. Journal of Rehabilitation Medicine - Clinical Communications, 4, 1–7.



Original Report