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Medicinski pregled 2006 Volume 59, Issue 3-4, Pages: 160-164
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Oxidized LDL and C-reactive protein as markers for detection of accelerated atherosclerosis in type 2 diabetes

Čaparević Zorica (Kliničko-bolnički centar 'Dr Dragiša Mišović'-Dedinje, Klinika za internu medicinu, Endokrinološko odeljenje, Beograd)
Kostić Nada (Kliničko-bolnički centar 'Dr Dragiša Mišović'-Dedinje, Klinika za internu medicinu, Endokrinološko odeljenje, Beograd)
Ilić Sanja (Kliničko-bolnički centar 'Dr Dragiša Mišović'-Dedinje, Klinika za internu medicinu, Endokrinološko odeljenje, Beograd)
Stojanović Dragoš (Kliničko-bolnički centar 'Dr Dragiša Mišović'-Dedinje, Klinika za hirurgiju, Beograd)
Ivanović Ana Marija (Medicinski fakultet, Centar za kliničku dijagnostiku, Beograd)

Introduction. High levels of inflammatory markers are associated with an increased risk for development of coronary heart disease (CHD). The aim of this study was to estimate relations between oxidized LDL (oxLDL), C-reactive protein (CRP) and conventional lipid risk factors for CHD in type 2 diabetics without coronary heart disease. Material and methods. Three groups of subjects were included in the study. 44 well-controlled type 2 diabetics (25 female/19 male; 54.50±6.54 years); FBG: 5.67+0.69; HbAlc: 6.5±1.6%) without clinical signs of CHD; the second group included 24 hypercholes-terolemic healthy subjects (14 female/28 male; 51.30±5.76 years). The control group included 24 normocholesterolemic healthy subjects (17 female/12 male; 48.1±8.37 years). Lipid profiles were measured by enzymatic methods. OxLDL was measured by a commercially available sandwich ELISA (Mercodia AB, Uppsala, Sweden). Hs-CRP was measured by chemiluminiscence (Immulite-DPC) using Behring Latex hs-CRP assay. Results. Serum oxLDL levels were significantly higher in diabetic patients (p<0.05) and subjects with hypercholesterolemia (p<0.01) compared with control subjects. Levels of CRP were significantly increased in hypercholesterolemic subjects, compared with controls (p<0.01). Levels of CRP in diabetic patients also were significantly increased compared to those of controls (p<0.05). In type 2 diabetes oxLDL significantly correlated with CRP (r=0.657; p=0.0001), TG:HDL-C ratio (r=0.690; p=0.0001). In hypercholesterolemic subjects oxLDL significantly correlated with oxLDL: LDL ratio (r=0.788; p=0.0001) but not with CRP. In controls, oxLDL significantly correlated with oxLDL: LDL ratio (r=0.679; p=0 0001 and CRP (r=0.802; p=0.0001). Conclusion. It is of great importance to identify type 2 diabetics and hyper-cholesterolemic healthy subjects with high levels of oxLDL and CRP, because they are at increased risk for development of accelerated atherosclerosis. .

Keywords: lipoproteins, LDL, c-reactive protein, arteriosclerosis, diabetes mellitus, non-insulin-dependent

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